qEEG Testing

Chicagoland Neuropsychology: Unraveling the Mind with qEEG Testing

Chicagoland Neuropsychology is a cutting-edge practice devoted to unlocking the brain using qEEG testing, as well as psychological and neuropsychological testing. This allows us to provide comprehensive care, especially when a previous diagnosis seems incorrect or treatments are not helping. Our expertise in psychology and neuropsychology allows us to offer a range of diagnostic procedures. In partnership with other clinics, we integrate Quantitative EEG testing, also known as brain mapping, into some of our evaluations.

What is qEEG testing?

QEEG stands for Quantitative Electroencephalogram, a neuroimaging technique that uses your brain’s electrical activity to create a color-coded 3-D image of how your brain works. The first step in this process involves attaching special sensors to your scalp that pick up your brain’s tiny electrical signals, which looks like this:

QEEG is an advanced brain imaging method beyond traditional EEG, which only looks at the “waveform.” Using quantitative analysis, we can extract the data within these electrical waves, giving us deeper insights into your brain’s functioning.

After the computer analyzes your brain’s electrical activity, it creates a “brain map” of your unique brainwaves. These 3-D visualizations look something like this:


QEEG is a valuable tool that helps us bridge the gap between neurological and psychological disorders. While qEEG testing is not necessary for everyone, it can be very helpful when understanding diagnostically complex cases. QEEG can illuminate the beautiful and often elusive connection between the brain and behavior in those instances.

What is qEEG Testing Like?

QEEG testing is considered “non-invasive,” meaning that nothing breaks the skin, medications are not required, and only minimal risks are posed. The sensors or “electrodes” placed on your scalp to record electrical signals do not emit electricity, so they don’t shock you. As with any medical procedure, there might be mild discomfort when the electrodes are placed on your scalp. You’ll also want to bring a baseball cap because your hair may be messy once you are done. The electrodes look like this after they are placed:

During the test, you’ll sit in a comfortable chair with the technician, who will connect the sensors and walk you through the process. The whole appointment takes around 2 hours. Another benefit of this “functional brain imaging” tool is that it does not require you to slide into a machine like you do for an MRI. This is especially important for kids and people who don’t like being in tight spaces. When the test is going on, some of your time is spent listening to sounds or playing special games on a computer. Most of your time will be spent simply relaxing with your eyes closed.

How Does qEEG Testing Work?

Once your brainwaves are recorded or “acquired,” sophisticated computer algorithms reassemble them into different images to help us look at that data in many different ways. These images show how your brain is interconnected and if there are areas where there may have been an injury.

When we look at your qEEG results, we look for patterns in how your brain functions. One pattern can show that you have depression. Another pattern is seen in ADHD, and a different one is seen if you have seizures. The qEEG also measures how your brain processes information and causes attention problems besides ADHD, and can identify the brain patterns of Autism or learning disabilities. After the qEEG is interpreted by your qEEG doctor, they will write a report and then meet with you later to explain the results. Then, they will send the results to us. Once we have your qEEG testing results and your neuropsychological or psychological testing, we will meet with you to explain what this means together.

When is qEEG Useful?

QEEG helps us understand the biology underneath day-to-day abilities, making qEEG useful in certain circumstances. QEEG is particularly helpful when getting to the bottom of cases where past diagnoses just don’t seem to explain what is happening or when people have multiple conflicting diagnoses. This is because qEEG allows us to separate different causes of the same symptoms. For example, when a person suffers from depression and a head injury, it can be difficult to understand what is causing what. Similarly, when someone has Autism, but there was also a brain injury at birth, qEEG can be useful in developing a tailored treatment plan. Another instance involves symptoms that look like both Anxiety and ADHD, which often need to be split apart to know what is causing what.

How Do qEEG and Neuropsychological Testing Work Together?

The goal of everything we do at Chicagoland Neuropsychology involves helping our patients understand how to get better. Getting the correct diagnosis is only a small part of this. But diagnosis only goes so far. What truly empowers people is understanding the reasons they feel a certain way. We have found that integrating brain neuroimaging with psychological or neuropsychological testing is a powerful way to help people understand what is happening. Once all of this information is woven into a single report, this helps your doctors, therapists, and schools know how best to help. Most importantly, it helps you understand what you need to do to feel better.

The Relationship Between the Brain and Behavior

The brain is a fascinating and intricate organ that shapes our thoughts, emotions, and actions. QEEG helps us bridge the gap between the biological and psychological aspects of being human. By identifying patterns in your brainwave activity, we gain valuable insights into the neural circuits associated with specific behaviors and cognitive functions. This knowledge empowers us to design targeted interventions and develop neurofeedback-based therapies, facilitating progress where traditional psychotherapy might have plateaued or medications are not working.

Take the First Step Towards Understanding Your Mind

If you or a loved one have concerns about your well-being, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Chicagoland Neuropsychology. Our team of skilled professionals is here to assist you in your journey toward a better and healthier life. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for neuropsychological or psychological testing. At that evaluation, we can discuss whether qEEG is appropriate for you. Regardless of the type of testing you seek, our goal is always to unlock the potential of your mind.